“The wise woman builds her house, but the foolish pulls it down with her hands” (Proverbs 14:1).
Something that the Lord showed me very early on in my marriage was just how important praying for my husband was and how powerful my prayers are. As wives, our prayers over our husbands are unlike any other person’s prayers for him because we are united with him as one (Genesis 2:20-24). Through the covenant of marriage, you are unified in spirit to your husband. You are his partner and teammate. What affects him, will affect you (and vice versa). When you build him up by fervently praying for him and also by fulfilling your God-ordained role as his wife and helpmate, you strengthen your home, marriage, family, and your relationship with the Lord.
Cultivating a fruitful and faithful prayer life can be difficult though. It takes time, dedication, and often a perspective shift. When we are consumed with the here and now, it’s our daily to-do lists that tend to take precedence over anything else in our lives. Making time for prayer can even sometimes seem like a waste of time since you’re not accomplishing anything tangible during that time. However, these thoughts are lies meant to deter you from achieving and experiencing everything that the Lord has in store for you and your marriage.
Time spent in prayer is never time wasted. Our God is powerful, and He hears and answers the prayers of his people as He simultaneously makes the one praying more like Him. Praying is one of the most important things you can do as a woman, wife, and follower of Christ. This is why I’ve created the Fourteen Days of Praying The Proverbs For My Husband Prayer Challenge. If you’ve been wanting to pray for your husband, but don’t know where to start, or if you have a hard time being faithful in your prayer life this is the perfect challenge for you!
Not married yet? You can start the 14 Days Of Praying The Proverbs For My FUTURE Husband Prayer Challenge here.
The Two Week Challenge
When you download the Fourteen Days Of Praying The Proverbs For My Husband Prayer Challenge, you will receive a beautifully designed 35+ page FREE Ebook that includes:
- Fourteen Orginal Prayers Inspired By The Proverbs: Everyday, over the next fourteen days, you will be presented with 1-3 proverbs that address a specific aspect of your husband’s life (his job, decision making, the people he surrounds himself with, etc.). Below each proverb, there is a prayer that was inspired by those proverbs. You can pray this prayer for your husband exactly as it is written or you can customize and add to it. Before you begin praying for your husband, it’s important to ask the Holy Spirit to direct your prayer and to bring to mind anything else that your husband may need prayer for. God knows better than anyone exactly what your husband needs.
- Verses To Text Your Husband: At the bottom of every prayer, you’ll find a corresponding verse to that day’s topic that you can text to your husband. This verse is meant to inspire and encourage him throughout his day and in his walk with the Lord. Make sure to pray over this verse before you send it as well. Pray that God would prepare his heart to receive it and that the Lord would use it to strengthen your husband’s faith and who he is as a man of God.
- Prayer Journal Pages: For each day of the challenge, there are also prayer journal pages where you can write out extended prayers, prayers for the things you’re struggling with, or where you can keep track of any progress you see in your marriage, husband, or within yourself. These pages are there to encourage you to spend some intimate one-on-one time with the Lord, seeking Him and inquiring if there is anything else you could or should be praying for.
- Reflection Questions: At the very end of the challenge, you’ll find a 7-page section that is meant to not only help you reflect on the entire two-week process but also guide any future prayers for your husband.
- Proverbs 14:1 Printable: One of my favorite marital proverbs (and the verse that inspired this challenge) is included in the form of an art print. I want you to print it out and hang it somewhere prominent where you will be able to see it every day of the challenge. It will serve as a reminder to stay faithful in praying for your husband over the next two weeks.
Download The Free 35+ Page Ebook

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After The Challenge
Once these fourteen days are up and you’ve successfully finished the challenge, don’t stop praying for your husband. Pray for him every day. You might even want to start the challenge over once you’ve completed it. These prayers are powerful because they are inspired by Scripture and are being prayed by you for your husband. I know that the Lord will use these prayers to not only draw you and your husband closer together but also closer to Jesus. Let us all be the type of women and wives who build up their homes by fervently praying over their husbands. As you pray, know that I am praying for you, your husband, and your marriage.
Jason Caldwell
November 27, 2019 at 3:31 pmDo you have this challenge for my future wife, because she is taking this challenge and praying for me I would love to do it for her too. We have just met but we know the Lord has led us to each other
December 3, 2019 at 6:04 pmJason,
Congratulations on your engagement! I think it is so sweet and wonderful that you want to take part in a prayer challenge for your future wife. Unfortunately, I don’t have any such prayer challenge at this time, but maybe you could walk through the challenge with your fiance and personalize the suggested prayers for her? The outlined topics could serve as a jumping-off point, and then you could ask the Holy Spirit to direct you where He wants you to go. I’m so excited for you and your future wife as yous begin your lives together. Praying for you both and your future marriage! 🙂
Ann Perry
August 22, 2018 at 1:12 amHi Kristy, it was good seeing you again at the Prayer Breakfast! I’ve requested the download of your challenge – Praying for your Husband. This is an area the Lord is prompting me to dig into deeper, and I’m looking forward to your insights and leading. God is blessing many women through your writings, and I look forward to spending more time reading what He is putting on your heart. ❤
August 22, 2018 at 9:47 pmHi Ann! It was lovely seeing you on Saturday! I loved hearing more of your testimony! It’s such a blessing to hear that the Lord has prompted you to dig in deeper and that you will be taking part in this challenge. I would love to hear what you think of the challenge once you finish it. 🙂
May 14, 2018 at 12:35 pmSamantha, I’m so excited for what the Lord has in store for you and your husband through this challenge. I love hearing that you felt like this was something that you “needed to start.” God is so good and knows exactly what we need just when we need it the most. I am so blessed to have you as a reader. Lifting you and your husband up in prayer now.
June 25, 2018 at 11:47 amHey Kristy.
Doing this has really changed both of us. I love your site & how you provide such needed & useful studies. Apperciate your hard work so much. I am going to try to get the ladies in my Life group to do this Challenge with me this July.
June 26, 2018 at 9:48 amSamantha, I loved hearing this! Wow! It is such a blessing to know that the Lord used this challenge (and your sweet prayers) to move so mightily in your marriage and within each of you. I’m so happy that you love Organic Christian Living and that it is helping you in your walk with the Lord! Please let me know if you do end up using this in your life group. I would love to be praying for you and the group. Thank you so much for being a reader and for your kind words.